Onew at Brothers were Brave Musical 100429

Posted: 30/04/2010 in Information, Photo

Onew at Brothers were Brave the Musical.

credits ; soompi

Onew at Me2Day Updates

credits ; soompi

Onew Yeobo, if I have one wish.. I would like to pinch your chubby cheek. Can I??

Onew, I know that the musical is very tiring, Aja Aja Hwaiting Oppa!!

Shawols love you soo much!! We will always stay right behind your back!

And, to all Shawols.. don’t give up in whatever you do, ohkay? Make Onew as your role model! Yes, his good in studies right?

So we shall follow his footstep. Hmm.. Now is Exam Mode for most of you, right? Study Hard and Play Hard Later.

Hwaiting to all Shawols!!

With Much Love,

Team Onew ; Herdawatie.

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